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Think Global (MP3제공)

Think Global
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시중가 : 22,000원
적립금 : 590
상품평가 : 상품평보기 (0명)
오디오 : MP3제공
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출판사 : ECKBooks
저자 : ECK컨텐츠연구소
출간일 : 2014년 07월 02일
쪽수 : 116
수   량 :
  • 상세정보

01 Empowering Business English

Empowering Business English can be summarized in a single word: “breathe”.

       Inhale : Our program will help you to open your lungs and express your views about business practices in English.

       Inspire: After you've inhaled some basic business concepts, you will be inspired to think differently about your work life.

       Exhale: You will exhale -- breathe out -- your ideas and fill the room with language, ideas, and laughter.



02 Why Empowering Business English?

       Assessment & Curricula

       Previewing Podcasts



       Class Facilitators



03 ECK Global Process

ECK utilizes a coaching-based process to guide our classes. The process consists of the following steps: Pre-Class Needs Analysis, Tailored Program Development, Previewing, Training, Actual Practice, Evaluation, and Feedback.



04 Tracks & Modules

Empowering Business English is organized into 5 tracks of 5 modules each selected from an original pool of 13 tailored modules. Each module is intended to be completed in three to five hours, thus an entire track would take 15 to 25 hours to complete.
